Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS )
From the Maine Department of Education:
MTSS Overview
In Maine, MTSS is defined as a comprehensive framework designed to address the academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs of each student in the most inclusive and equitable learning environment. More than RTI, MTSS is a whole-school framework that organizes the people, programs, and policies into an integrated support system that begins in Tier 1.
MTSS is a philosophy that organizes and leverages the systems that likely already exist in your school. It is a system that relies on more than just evidence-based curricula and identification processes. MTSS analyzes and organizes all available resources within the school context, such as people, facilities, time, data, curriculum & instruction, and any additional resources.
Whole-School Systems Approach
The MTSS framework is driven by a strong and supportive team (Leadership, MTSS, SST, etc.), equitable policies and practices, innovative and well-supported educators, effective instruction of high-quality curricula, and effective processes for problem-solving that are data-informed. Through the implementation and establishment of an MTSS framework, districts and schools increase attendance, elevate student engagement, lessen concerns about behavior, improve school climate, enhance social and emotional well-being, and boost academic performance for all students.
Instead of "why isn't the curriculum working for these students?" we ask "why isn't the curriculum working for all students?"
With students and student outcomes at the forefront of all decisions, resources can be better organized to address the needs of all students, from those with learning gaps to those who need advanced or accelerated curriculum and instruction through the development of Tier 1 into a prevention layer rather than an intervention layer. In order to achieve this, we advocate for an all students, all educators, all hands on deck approach. Rather than fitting students into the needs of the culture or curriculum, instead, a quality MTSS challenges schools to work toward the culture and curriculum fitting the needs of the students by prioritizing and establishing a flexible and responsive culture strategically designed to adapt to the needs of the students in the school.
Effective Problem-Solving Process
A usable problem-solving process that is routine, consistent, and objective is a key component of a quality MTSS framework. An effective problem-solving process will incorporate data collection, data analysis, and action planning to address where you are and create a path for where you want to go. Along with your problem-solving process, the team must adopt decision-rules and look-for criteria that will inform whether the current path is effective for improvement, or if changes need to be made.
A strong and sustainable MTSS framework will go beyond academic achievement by ensuring students are supported through their behavior development and social and emotional development. Academics, behavior, and social-emotional approaches are weaved together to form a foundation that ensures that all children are ready for whatever awaits them after graduation.
AOS 91 Academic Tiers of Support
(These are not fully operational at this time but are a part of a three-year plan to fully operationalize MTSS)
Benchmark-Tier 1 - High Impact Teaching that meets the needs of all students.
Instruction is research-based and aligned to the Maine Learning Results and grade level expectations
For grades k-4, core reading instruction is systematic and explicit for 90 uninterrupted minutes per day and 75 uninterrupted minutes per day for math (we may not all be here yet, but this is the goal)
For all grades, teachers use High Impact Teaching strategies
Instruction meets the needs of all students as demonstrated by benchmark assessments
Students identified through universal screening and/or teacher observation are given targeted instruction within the general education setting
Teachers differentiate based on the abilities and needs of all students (Gifted, typically developing, struggling, IEPs, etc.)
Strive for targeted instruction: identifying a goal, using an evidenced-based strategy, and progress monitoring by the teacher every two weeks with adjustments every six weeks, as needed
Strategic-Tier 2 - Evidence-based intervention(s) of moderate-intensity that address the learning challenges of some students.
Students will be identified using universal screeners such as EarlyBird/Dibels, EMDI/HLAs, Aimsweb, and NWEA, with plans uploaded to Power School's RtI Special Programs
Additional instructional time (at least 20-30 minutes per session, 3-4 times per week) is offered in addition to core instruction
Interventions are usually given in a small group, homogeneous format (no more than 5-6 students per group) and can be delivered in or out of the classroom by the teacher or specialist/interventionist
Instruction is consistent with core instruction in terms of vocabulary and strategies
Progress monitoring occurs every two weeks using Aimsweb
Plans are updated every six weeks as needed
Intensive-Tier 3 - Targeted intervention(s) of increased intensity for few students who show minimal response to strategic intervention(s)
Students will be identified using universal screeners such as EarlyBird/Dibels, EMDI/HLAs, Aimsweb, and NWEA, with plans uploaded to Power School's RtI Special Programs
Additional instructional time (at least 60 minutes per session, 5 times per week) is offered in addition to core instruction
Interventions are given in a smaller group format, 1:1 or 1: 2
Interventions are usually delivered by a(n) specialist/interventionist outside of the general classroom in consultation with the classroom teacher and school-based MTSS Team
Progress monitoring occurs every two weeks using Aimsweb
Plans are updated every six weeks as needed
A note about students with IEPs: Students with an IEP can and should receive differentiated instruction and/or academic interventions when the gap in skill is NOT attributed to the student’s diagnosis as identified on their plans.
AOS 91 Behavior & Social Emotional Learning Support
Benchmark-Tier 1 - High Impact Teaching that meets the needs of all students.
Instruction is proactive and comprehensive around executive function, self-regulation, and social-emotional learning
Instruction meets the needs of all students and takes place in whole-group or small group settings:
Pre-K-4: Mind Up Curriculum; Morning meeting; Mindfulness; Responsive Classroom; Restorative Practices; etc.
5-8: Instruction around the Habits of Work, including self-reflection and goal setting; Advisory; Responsive Classroom; Restorative Practices; etc.
9-12: Advisory; Restorative Practices; etc.
Students identified through teacher observation are provided differentiated instruction to address identified gaps in executive function, self-regulation, and/or Habits of Work in the general education setting
Strive for targeted instruction: identifying a goal, using an evidenced-based strategy, and progress monitoring by the teacher every two weeks with adjustments every six weeks, as needed
Strategic-Tier 2 - Evidence-based intervention(s) of moderate-intensity that address behavior/SEL challenges of some students.
Increased support is offered utilizing tools, such as ALSUP, Collaborative Proactive Solutions, or Positive Support Plan
Interventions are usually given in a small group and can be delivered in or out of the classroom by the teacher or specialist/interventionist in consultation with the school-based MTSS Team
Progress monitoring data is reviewed on a consistent basis with plan adjustments determined every six weeks, as needed
Intensive-Tier 3 - Targeted intervention(s) of increased intensity for few students who show minimal response to strategic intervention(s)
Intensive individual behavior plan utilizing tools, such as ABC analysis, FAIR Plans, or FBA
Interventions are given in a smaller group format, 1:1 or 1:2
Interventions are usually delivered by a(n) specialist/interventionist outside of the general classroom in consultation with the classroom teacher and school-based MTSS Team
Progress monitoring data is reviewed on a consistent basis with plan adjustments determined every six weeks, as needed
A note about students with IEPs: Students with an IEP can and should receive differentiated instruction and/or behavioral/SEL interventions when the gap in skill is NOT attributed to the student’s diagnosis as identified on their plans.