School Board Policies
Policy Committee Considerations
Policy Review Matrix
Please note, the AOS 91 Board formally adopted all MDIRSS school policies on January 23, 2017. In essence this motion, and action, streamlines the policy review/adoption process and eliminates redundancy at the local level. This action has been reviewed by legal counsel and is aligned with the Interlocal Agreement.
SECTION A: Foundations and Basic Commitments
Section A of the NEPN/NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the district's legal role in providing public education and the basic principles underlying school board governance. These policies provide a setting for all of the school board's other policies and regulations.
AC Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
ACAA-R1 Student Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
ACAA-R2 - Student Sex Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure
ACAB-R1 - Employee Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
ACAB-R2 - Employee Sex Discrimination/Harassment Complaint Procedure
ACAD Hazing
ADA Common Goals
ADC Smoking and Possession of Tobacco Products/Electronic Smoking Devices
SECTION B: School Board Governance and Operations
Section B of the NEPN/NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the school board how it is appointed or elected; how it is organized; how it conducts meetings, and how the board operates. This section includes bylaws and policies establishing the board's internal operating procedures.
BCC Nepotism
BDB Board Officers
BEA School Board Use of Email and Other Electronic Communications
BEDG Minutes
BIC-E Certification of Completion of Freedom of Access Training Required by 1 M.R.S.A. ยง 412
SECTION C: Section C of the NEPN/NSBA classification system is a repository for statements about the school district management, the administrative structure, and school building and department administration. It also is the location for personnel policies that pertain to one individual - the superintendent.
SECTION D: Section D of the NEPN/NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on school finances and the management of funds.
Policies on the financing of school construction and renovation, however, are filed in Section F, Facilities Development.
SECTION E: Support Services
Section E of the NEPN/NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on non-instructional services and programs, particularly those on business management such as safety, building and grounds management, office services, transportation, and food services.
EBAA Chemical Hazards
EBCA Comprehensive Health and Safety Emergency Management Plan
EBCC Bomb Threats
ECAF Security Camera Use on School Property and School Transportation Vehicles
ECAF-R Security Camera Use on School Property and School Transportation Vehicles - Administrative Procedure
EEAA Walkers and Riders
EEAEAA-R Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers - Procedures
EFE Sales of Foods in Competition with the School Food Service Program
EGAD Copyright Compliance
SECTION F: Facilities Planning and Development
Section F of the NEPN/NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on facility planning, financing, construction, and renovation. It also includes the topics of temporary facilities and school closings.
SECTION G: Personnel
Section G of the NEPN/NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on all school employees except for the superintendent (policies on the school chief are located in Section C, General Administration). The category is divided into three main divisions: GB has policies applying to all school employees or to general personnel matter; GC refers to instructional and administrative staff; and GD refers to support or classified staff.
GBEC Drug-Free Workplace
GBGAA Bloodborne Pathogens
GBGB Workplace Bullying
GCF-R Procedure for Hiring
GCFB-R Recruiting and Hiring of Administrative Staff Procedures
SECTION I: Instruction
Section I of the NEPN/NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the instructional program: basic curricular subjects, special programs, instructional resources, and academic achievement.
IHBAA-R Referral and Use of General Education Interventions Administrative Procedures
IHBAC Child Find
IHBEA Programs for Students with Limited English Proficiency
IJK Supplementary Instructional Material Selection - Use of Movies and Videos
IJND Webpage Guidelines
IJNDB-R Student Computer and Internet Use and Internet Safety Rules
IJOA Field Trips
IJOC Volunteer Guidelines
IMBB Accommodation of Sincere Beliefs in Required Instruction
SECTION J: Students
Section J of the NEPN/NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on students - admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, health and welfare, and school-related activities.
JE - Student Attendance (Student Attendance, Chronic Absenteeism, and Truancy)
JICC - R School Bus Discipline Procedures
JICH-R Student Substance Use Rules
JICK Bullying
JICK E1 Bullying Report Form
JICK-E3 Bullying: Summary of Disciplinary and Remedial Action
JICK-E4 Bullying Reporting, Investigation and Intervention/Resolution Process
JIE - Pregnant Students
JIH-E Student Search Checklist
JIH-R Questioning and Searches of Students Administrative Procedure
JKF-R Disciplinary Removals of Students with Disabilities Administrative Procedure
JLDGB Reintegration of Students from Juvenile Correctional Facilities
JLF-R Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Administrative Procedure
JLG-R Education of Homeless Children and Youth - Administrative Procedure
JRA-E Annual Notice of Student Education Records and Information Rights
JRA-R Student Education Records and Information - Administrative Procedure
SECTION K: School, Community, and Home Relations
Section K of the NEPN/NSBA classification system contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on parent and community involvement in schools.Except for policies concerning education agencies, statements on public sector relations with the school district also are located in this section.